Ferme du vent
The farm’s magic is sown everywhere by the wind itself. Ferme du Vent® (the “Farm of the Winds”) is
not ostentatious, yet instantly recognisable. Its lines can be taken in in one glance: the imposing
Celtic silhouettes have been carefully and respectfully restored.
Six kled® (from the Breton for “wind shelter”) where one can live in harmony with the elements, laid
out as if by magic. Anything that may interrupt our inner flow is swept away. There is no wifi or
television. Turn off your mobile phone and enjoy a place that heightens the senses. That smells of iodine
and wood. That is a delight to the eyes. That whispers in our ears. That caresses serenity. But that never forgets
to indulge its guests.

Beautiful cottages that offer the very best in terms of hospitality, the 6 kleds of the Ferme du Vent are
dressed in wood and rough stone. Some have comfortable bathtubs to relax in, facing the sea.
Cosy warmth is provided by a fireplace or a wood-burning stove. The light floods them all thanks to their
large “tableau” windows, the views from which are like wonderful paintings. The Bains Celtiques®
(“Celtic Baths”) are nestled in the main farmhouse of the Ferme du Vent.
At the Ferme du Vent, you can choose your menu the day before or on the morning itself. It is delivered
to your private kitchen in the evening at the time of your choosing. A degustation in a moment of
blissful intimacy.

As far as our eyes can see, the living world, with no disturbance whatsoever: a conservatory of quince trees and a patch of cultivated flowers, a kitchen garden providing a rich natural habitat for hares and weasels, in the middle of wild grasses.
Everything points towards the empty shore. The kaleidoscopic sea serves as a canvas. The extraordinary lunar clock signals the ebbs and tides of the bay and watches over everything and everyone. A Viking well serves as a compass between the home port and infinity.
Pastel and turquoise hues. Ochre and green. Anthracite grey, pearl, blue, almond and rose. A choreography of clouds, mist and light causes the magnetic Mont Saint-Michel to appear and disappear over and over again.